§ Credeteci o meno ma i tetti di Genova sono protetti dall' Unesco .
In effetti sono loro a donare l'aspetto tipico di Genova vista dall'alto : sembra un pesce, un grande Leviatano spiaggiato le cui squame rilucano debolmente al sole.
Donano il colore alla città , colore che varia a seconda ci sia sole o pioggia, maccaia o tramontana.
Noi Genovesi amiamo i nostri tetti , li rispettiamo ed abbiamo cura di loro che ci proteggono da secoli dalle intemperie.
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Foto di Vittoria Mazzoni |
Actually they are the reason of the typical aspect of Genoa seen from above : it looks like a fish , a huge beached Leviathan whose scales faintly gleam under the sun.
They gift the city with their colour , hue which changes depending on the sun or rain, maccaia or north wind.
We, Genoese people, love our roofs , we respect them and we take care of them which have been sheltering us for centuries.
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cliccate su questa foto - click on this pic |
§ Do you see what I mean ? now they look pink ......
§ ...... e ora sono grigi e lucidi . Proprio come una bella acciuga .
§ ....... and now they are grey and shiny like a nice anchovy .
§ Questa è la disposizione delle tegole usata a Genova ed in Liguria.
La ritroverete anche nella Casa Rossa appena arriveranno le tegoline d'ardesia che ho ordinato appositamente. Non vedo l'ora di cominciare :o)
§ This is the layout used in Genoa and Liguria.
You'll find it in the casa Rossa too as soon as the slates which I ordered will arrive. I cannot look forward to begin :o)
§ Un'ultima cosa : se queste foto vi sembrano strane non avete tutti i torti . Genova è forse l'unica città di cui si possono ammirare i tetti da un posteggio o da una strada .
L'unica costruita a strati come una torta nuziale , venite a controllare :o)))
§ One more thing : if these pics look somewhat strange you aren't that wrong . Genoa is may be the only city where you can admire roofs from a carpark or a traffic road.
The only one built up in layers like a nuptial cake , come and check yourselves :o)))
9 commenti:
Beautiful pictures of your beautiful city - and sometimes it's good to have a - let's say - unfamiliar point of view to look at things... like these spectacular roofs... ;O)
I was very much enamored with the rooftops in the Cinque Terre, when we spent a week there a few years ago. So beautiful, as surely will be the roof of your special miniature, Rosanna!
belle e.. strane, in effetti, queste immagini!!
ho visitato una piccola parte della Liguria e posso testimoniare che è facile vedere i tetti da bordo strada, essendo i paesi costruiti a "scaletta", data la pendenza del territorio.
resto in attesa di vedere il tuo tetto!
baci e buon lunedi
One day, one day I would love to come and visit and look at your rooftops with you!!!!!
Quante cose si imparano! Io non sapevo questo particolare di Genova eppure ho un'amica che vive li ormai da 8 anni! Mi piacciono questi tetti,sono molto particolari, qui a Catania sono classici in tegole di terracotta, cambiano colore diventando nere quando l' Etna si sveglia con la luna nera e ci ricopre di terra!!!!
Really Rosanna? How fascinating that your roofs are protected by UNESCO. Now I know why you wanted those special roof tiles for your project.
Every passing day watching your work on la casa rossa makes me more and more sure that this house will be extra special.
What a wonderful city this is! Thank you for posting those great pictures. I did not know anything before this about the rooftops. One day, I hope to check them out "live".
Your rooftops are like a world in themselves, a ever-changing one. I love the edges of things-where a painting meets the end of the canvas, where the water and beach touch, where sky and clouds and rooftops face each other. You've captured this beautifully, the way the sky plays with the slate tiles. I would love to visit that rooftop garden. It's like a widow's walk here, the top of a house where sailor's wives waited for their husband's ships to sail home. Some times they didn't. Can you imagine the emotions lived up there, on the rooftops?
There is a Feeling of Freedom on the tops of a roof.... nothing between you and the clouds and the Earth far away... Will your house have a Terrace on the roof?
Your City has Amazing rooftops.... and like Amy says.... we have similar Widow's walks over here... for looking to sea waiting for the ships to come home.
I am Really enjoying seeing the progress on your house!!!
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