Ero un po' intimidita perchè il lavoro di Josje è assolutamente perfetto e avevo
paura di disturbare.
Invece Josje mi rispose che mandarmi un kit era un po' problematico e che sarebbe stato più semplice mandarmi .... la seggiolina !
Potete immaginare come mi sono sentita... felice è dire poco.
Così ci siamo accordate per uno swap e mercoledì pomeriggio mi sono seduta e mi sono goduta questa piccola, grande opera d'arte.
§ Some time ago I wrote to Josje to know if she could send me a kit of one of her beautiful chairs Louis XVI style.
I was a bit shy because Josje's work is absolutely outstanding and
I was afraid to bother her.
I stead Josje answered me that sending a kit could have troublesome and that it coul have been much easier sending me .... the little chair !
You can imagine how I felt.... happy to say the least.
We agreed on a swap and on Wednesday afternoon I sat down and enjoied this small, great piece of artistry.
§ La seggiolina è volutamente nuda perchè avrà un vestitino ricamato dalla sua mamma, cioè io.
Adesso sto lavorando ad un progetto di ricamo che mi terrà impegnata fino a metà Febbraio ma dal 14 in poi avrò occhi solo per lei.
§ The little chair is purposely naked because it will have a little dress stitched by its mum, aka me.
At the moment I'm working at a stitching project which will keep me
busy till the middle of February but from 14th on I shall have eyes only for it.
§ In queste foto si pavoneggia nella mia scatola dei fili in attesa di saper che cosa le toccherà in serbo.
§ In these pics it proudly stands among my embroidery threads waiting to know what I'll do for its dress.
§ Ma Josje mi ha viziata oltre ogni dire.
Nel delizioso pacchetto rosa che vedete qui sopra c'era un regalo per me e per la Casa Rossa.
§ But Josje has spoilt me beyond words.
In the delightful pink parcel that you see above there was a gift for me and the Casa Rossa.
§ Quando, aprendolo, ho visto l'acquarello mi sono commossa.
A parte la bellezza del quadretto, della perfezione della cornice e della scelta dei colori, la scelta del soggetto mi ha lasciato senza fiato.
Un libro, una teiera e dal beccuccio colano le parole "Le thé dans l'encrier".
Questo dimostra un'attenzione alla persona e una delicatezza sorprendenti.
Josje ha scorso i miei blog, ha scelto i colori che più ricorrono nei miei lavori e ha pensato a dare una forma al mio sogno.
Non potrò mai ringraziarla abbastanza.
Grazie mille Josje.
§ When I saw the watercolour I was touched.
A part from the beauty of the painting, the perfection of the frame and the choice of colours the choice of the subject left me breathless.
A book, a teapot and from the spout run the words "Le thé dans l'encrier".
This shows an umbelievable attention to the person and a incredible thoughtfullness.
Josje has gone through my blogs, has chosen the colours which are most easily found in my works and she thought of giving a shape to my dream.
I shall not able to thank her enough.
Thank you very much Josje.
18 commenti:
I love Josje's work, she's such an inspiration, I'm sure not only for me, but for everyone who's reading her blog.
Hello Rosanna, You are so fortunate to have one of Josje's wonderful little chairs. I agree with you about the thought that went into the little picture...I have never met a kinder and more thoughtful group of people than miniaturists...why is that?? Enjoy your gifts, I shall look forward to see the chair all 'dressed-up', I know you will do an amazing job of it!
Regards, Linda x
Wonderful gift you have received!! Please make sure to post once you dressed your little chair! hugs, ara
oh, how nice of her to send you the chair- and then the picture also- and all with careful thoughts of what your style is behind it! I know you are going to work beautiful magic on that chair- I really cannot wait to see it when it is finished.
What lovely gifts to receive. I too am looking forward to seeing how you finish the little chair. Half the fun is the planning!
bellissima sedia, e sarà meravigliosa quando sarà vestita dalla tue abilissime mani!
ha ragione Linda, i miniaturisti hanno un animo particolarmente sensibile... forse l'amore per le piccole cose spinge a fare gesti "grandi"!!!
PS che c'hai da fare fino a metà febbraio?? Miniaturitalia??
non sai quanto mi piacerebbe venire, ma non posso.... SIGH!!!
buon fine settimana! Caterina
Fabulous Rosanna, can't wait to see you work your magic on the cover for the chair. xx
A lovely gift from the talented Josje. But you area very deserving recipient Rosanna. I am very curious to see how you 'dress' the chair!
I can't wait! 2 great minds to make that chair,it will be a fabuloso one for sure.
14th Feb? You doing something for the Miniaturitalia? arghhhh, wish I can be there!
That picture is just the sweetest, most suitable and wonderful gift a to-be cafe/tea house owner can receive. Bravo, Josje and to you too, Ro! :)
I am going to the library and after that I will read my emails. Answer yours soon :):)
I am so glad you are happy with the chair and the painting Rosanna. It was a pleasure making them for you and I look forward to seeing it beautifully upholstered with you own wonderful needlework.
Can't wait to receive my parcel!
Have a great weekend!
What a beautiful chair! And that watercolour is outstanding!
Che dolce atmosfera nel tuo blog! Verrò anch'io sicuramente ancora a trocarti e grazie per aver partecipato al mio Blog Candy! Sei la benvenuta!!!
Che belle! Infondono serenita' e senso di calore domestico! :D
What a wonderful gift! The chair is beautiful and so is the watercolor!
I have tried to add your blog to my bloglist on Peach Blossom Hill (formerly Mini Leaps and Bounds) several times and it won't add it! I don't know why the glitch or why it won't add it. I will keep trying as I love to see what you're up to!
That chair is so lovely, and when you 'dress' it it will take on it's real character. How lucky you are to have the painting too! Josje is amazing.
Ciao cara, sono passata a farti un saluto e a mandarti un bacione! :D
explendit blog, congratulations
regard from Reus Catalonia
thank you
Tanto el cuadro como la silla, son una maravilla.
Felicidades a las dos.
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