domenica 1 aprile 2012

Ardesia - Slate

§ Dopo un mese molto intenso , e non solo per i viaggi e le fiere , finalmente sono riuscita a lavorare alla Casa Rossa
§ After a very busy month , and not only because of the trips and fairs , at last I managed to work at the Casa Rossa

§ Una diecina di giorni fa sono arrivate le tegole d'ardesia per il cornicione.
Le ho trovate in Inghilterra presso il sito di Richard Stacey e sono PERFETTE ! pensare che sono tagliate a mano da vera ardesia e sono solo 1 mm di spessore !
§ Some 10 days ago the slates for the ledge arrived at my home.
I found them in England at Richard Stacey's website and they are PERFECT ! they are hand split from real slate and they are only 1 mm thick !

§ E pensare che sono la seconda scelta : su 300 pezzi ne ho trovati solo una dozzina meno che perfetti.
§ Think that they are second choice : among 300 pieces I found only a dozen less than flawless.

§ Il cornicione era così , nudo e triste
§ The ledge was like this , naked and sad

§ Dopo 3 ore di lavoro abbiamo completato 2 lati del cornicione
§ After 3 hours of work we completed 2 sides of the ledge

§ Mancano le finiture , gli angoli saranno protetti da lastre di ardesia messe perpendicolarmente e da coppi di terracotta
§ Finishing touches are still missing , the corners will be protected by slates perpendicular to thethe others and by earth roof tiles

§ Manca ancora lo stucco e la fila di tegoline sul mini cornicione sul retro
§ Grouting is still missing too with the teeny slates on the mini ledge on the back

§ Il colore della facciata cambia tantissimo con la luce ! non è così rosa ma neppure arancio come nella foto precedente
§ The facade colour changes so much with light ! it is neither as pink nor as orange as in the preceding picture

§ Mi piace da morire e non vedo l'ora di invecchiarlo per bene.
Sylvia, avrò bisogno del tuo aiuto !!!!
§ I like it to bits and I look forward to nicely age it.
Sylvia, I shall need our advice !!!!

§ Ecco il tetto nel suo colore definitivo ( mancano i comignoli , li farò domani riesco a trovare un po' di tempo )
§ Here is the roof in its final colour ( still lacking the chimneys, I shall do the tomorrow ... if I can find a bit of time )

§ E questa è la facciata posteriore alla terza mano di colore.
§ And this the back wall at its third coat of colour.

25 commenti:

Elga ha detto...

I love your house and the slates really looks good on the roof.

onbeingaminimum ha detto...

I love Richard Stacey's bricks and slates. They can make a building quite heavy if used all over but they look so perfect.
I have never used the slate but it looks gorgeous!

Eliana ha detto...

The slate is perfect. It's getting great!

Sans! ha detto...

You are working fast!!! And looking good, looking good!The slates look really really really good!

This is a sight I didn´t get when I was in Genoa, watching you and Papa Rolla working on the house :). Flying back tomorrow :)

BiWuBär ha detto...

So much work with the slates, but totally worth the effort - looks great!


Unknown ha detto...

The slates for the ledge looks really perfect. Fantastic.
Hugs from Craftland

Patty ha detto...

Rosanna, Casa Rossa is going to be incredible. I love the slates and how good they look! I really love the color of the house!!!! I am so happy that we are all getting to share the progress with you!!!! I can't wait till you start doing the interior!!!

Lucille ha detto...

You did a great job, Rosanna! It's looking great! You must be so encouraged now that the work has started to progress!

Linda Carswell ha detto...

You have made fabulous progress, I adore the suits your house perfectly!!

Linda x

Neomig ha detto...

Your house is getting to be a real beauty. I follow the process with utter adoration!

Fabiola ha detto...

Tegole perfette per la tua casa.
Mi piace il colore della casa.
Ciao Faby

John ha detto...

Wow! Those slates look awesome! I used some lead roofing from Richard Stasey and was also happy with the result. Beautiful work!

Giac ha detto...

Buongiorno Rosanna,
The roof looks absolutely FANTASTIC! Capolavoro! The slate is gorgeous and your house is really coming to life. I get so excited to see your progress!
Have a wonderful week my friend,
Ti mando un grandissimo abbraccio,

Drora's minimundo ha detto...

The slates are fantastic and your work is great. The best part is that you have your father working along with you.

Troy ha detto...

The slate looks great. Good contrast in color. I love the idea of using real materials. Keep up the good work.

miniacollection ha detto...

Your slates are fantastic. Thanks for the link.

Irene ha detto...

You must feel you are really getting on with this project, now that the slates are on. They set it all off very well.

Madame Chantilly ha detto...

Caspita che lavorone da certosino! Non ho parole!

Gill Bayes Miniatures ha detto...

It's a huge project and I think the tiles are wonderful and will make the house really grand! Gill x

Iris March ha detto...

WOW!! This roof is terrific. Those slates are so beautiful! You are making an amazing house! I love watching your progress.

Cheers and ciao,

creating miniature dollhouses ha detto...

creating all those roof tiles looks like a lot of work!

Miniature Patisserie Chef ha detto...

This looks really amazing! Can't wait to see your progress!

Pei Li

Maria ha detto...

The roof looks woderfull!

Isabel ha detto...

Hola Rosanna! Me ha encantado conocer tu blog, tu casita rosa es una maravilla...desde luego que estaré en casa de Eva el viernes, será un gran placer conocerte en persona. Un abrazo. Isabel

Unknown ha detto...

So glad I've found your blog. A beautiful house under construction... something I do love to see. Good luck.