domenica 7 agosto 2011

Meglio tardi che mai...... Better late than never ......

§ Ok, c'e l'ho fatta !!!!
Ho finito di disegnare i progetti della casa in scala 1:1.
Può essere inutile ma in realtà mi dà la possibilità di giocare con i mobili e di valutare le reali dimensioni delle stanze.

 § Ok, I have done it !!!!
I finished to draw the house plans in 1:1 scale.
It  might be useless but actually it gives me the chance of playing with pieces of furniture and evaluate the real dimensions of rooms.

 § Questa è la pianta del quarto piano con le tre camere da letto ed i due bagni. La superficie totale sarà di 90x50 cm e l'altezza sarà 115 cm.

§ This is the fourth floor plan with the three bedrooms and two bathrooms. The total surface will be of 90x50  cms and the height will be 115 cms.

§  Non sarà una casa enorme ma nella mia vera casa ...... tremo già al pensiero di darle una collocazione.

§ It wont be a huge house but in my real one .... my wrists already shake at the thought of finding a place for it.

§  Avrà tante finestre, tanta luce, quella che manca in casa mia :o(

§ It will have lots of windows, lots of light,  which my real house lacks :o(

§ Auguratemi buona fortuna , a fine mese andrò a comprare il legno e poi ..... al lavoro :o)))

§ Wish me good luck , at the end of the month I'll  buy the wood and then ..... work :o)))

25 commenti:

  1. oooooooh! finalmente!!!!
    ma dai, andrà tutto bene, tu sei molto precisa, sono certa che la tua casa Rossa sarà bellissima!
    ....TOH! abbiamo la stessa libreria!!! :)))
    bacioni, Caterina

  2. I'm sure your house will be beautiful! It's very exciting to start a dollhouse from the project.

  3. I can't wait to see how this project comes along! I'm sure it's going to have so many beautiful details. =)

  4. Beh... non posso che manifestarti tutta la mia emozione, comprensione, partecipazione :-)
    A parte il fatto che il progetto mi sembra ottimo per proporzioni e disposizione degli spazi (chi ben comincia è a metà dell'opera, si sa...), anche io sono certa che il risultatò sarà comunque bellissimo.
    Se troviamo sempre uno spazio per le cose brutte, ingombranti e pratiche, all'interno delle nostre case, trovare lo spazio per i propri sogni è d'obbligo!!!
    Ti abbraccio con grande affetto :-)

  5. Veel succes met deze grote klus. Maar het is wel heel erg leuk om te doen.
    Het wordt vast en zeker heel mooi.

    groet Heleni

  6. Tu proyecto, tiene muy buena presencía, seguire visitandote, estoy impaciente.Besos desde España.

  7. It's a good idea to arrange the furniture on house plan!I'm can't wait to see pictures of your house,I'm sure it will be great! Jeannette x

  8. Good luck! Keep my fingers crossed and can't wait for more than plans:D

  9. A very clever way to arrange furniture before your house is there. Great furniture pieces. Yes, minis though tiny require lots of space.

  10. Rosanna I do wish you luck :-) and I'm really looking forward to seeing your progress x

  11. Na dann... hast Dir ja einiges vorgenommen. ... ein riesiges Projekt.

    Viel Spaß beim Verwirklichen und wir alle lieben Bilder... lach.

    Liebe Grüße an Dich


  12. Hi Rosanna! Great way to plan out your rooms! You've reminded me that when I was a young teenager, I loved to draw scale drawings of my bedroom and how I would decorate it. That's a good memory. Good luck on your upcoming project!

  13. Ohhh Rosanna that looks so great already!! I think it is a great idea to draw the house on 1:1 scale to be sure that everything fits ;-)
    I wish you lots of good luck with building it, but most important enjoy every minute you spend on it :0)

    Big Hugs Jollie

  14. I'm so excited for you! I'm looking forward to seeing the progress-- I know it will be absolutely beautiful!

  15. Rosanna, what a project and what a lot of work!

    Wow! I'm intimidated, I wish you much success with this project and look forward to seeing it come to life. :)

  16. You've given me a great idea. I think if I did like you it would give me confidence to start my seaside house.
    I can't wait to see your future house.
    I like the furniture you already have.

  17. Oh, what FUN Rosanna!!!! I like seeing your drawings! I made a scale drawing of my Castle when I started building it.... but I drew it at one quarter inch for each dollhouse foot...... it made the drawings fit on my paper but gave me a sense of the proportions. If I had drawn them to scale I might have scared myself at how BIG it would be!!! I am very glad I went with the bigger size.....! So, do NOT get frightened.... be BRAVE and insist on the size you have chosen! You will be glad and you will find the room for it! I am looking forward to seeing your progress!!! (I love the planning part... !)

  18. Rosanna, It will be so incredible! You will give all of us who haven't built anything yet to try!! I love all of your furniture so far and can't wait for you to start!!!

  19. Oh I can hardly wait to see! I've never built a house that didn't start out as a kit, so you have all my admiration, Rosanna! I love the idea of a floorplan, and so many floors! Will it have the same exterior as Casa Rossa?
    It's going to be fun watching it grow and bloom--

  20. This is so exciting! I think a house by your hand will look fantastic, so I'm very curious to see how this project will evolve! The furniture you have there already look great and lots of light and windows add much realism to a dollhouse, so I bet this will be marvelous! Good luck with the wood!

  21. È un bellissimo progetto Rosanna. Ti capisco per quanto riguarda lo spazio... Anche io ho lo stesso problema. Ma sono convinta che la saprai ben collocare. Baci

  22. Yayyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyy!!!

    If I may say this , finally, my dear finally!

    I will come bug you again at the end of the month ..teehee! :) And you can come bug me about mine !:)

  23. Che progetto ambizioso! Ma le tue capacità, da come ho potuto vedere nei tuoi blog, non hanno limiti!!! la Casa Rossa sarà stupenda e ti invio già da ora un grosso in bocca al lupo!!!
    Vorrei dedicarmi anche io alla costruzione di una casa in miniatura, come ho già fatto in passato, ma gli impegni sono così tanti.....
    Seguirò tuttavia con molto piacere ed interesse i tuoi futuri lavori.
    Buon fine settimana e a presto da Rosella

  24. Sei un mito! Verrò a vedere i lavori edili! WOW!

  25. Ooo, This is going to be a great house, love the furniture you made already! This is going to be fun, can wait to see more!
    * marlies
